
Policies and procedures help us to provide the best possible provision for children, parents and carers at our pre-school. They do this by explaining the type of childcare we offer and the actions we take to achieve this.

Policies do not replace training, experience and professional judgement, however they provide clear guidance as to how certain situations and certain matters will be handled. They support the effective operation of the pre-school rather than obstructing it.

We are required by law to have certain written policies. Others have been adopted where we feel they benefit the welfare of children by setting out clear guidance for staff, parents and carers. In developing our policies, we refer to the Pre-School Learning Alliance book Essential Policies & Procedures for the EYFS as a starting point.

Unless stated otherwise, all policies will be reviewed at least every two years to ensure that they remain necessary, effective and relevant. We welcome feedback on our polices and procedures from parents, carers and staff.

All policies are available to view on our web site, or in printed form in a folder at the pre-school.

Further Information

Newstead Road Pre-School, 6 Birch Grove, Lee, London, SE12 0SU.
Telephone: 020 8857 9500